Tuesday, December 5, 2017

A Good Canon M100 Video Review

The very compact, cool and much improved Canon M100 is out now and is much much better than the previous model, the Canon M10. The M100 utilizes the same sensor as the popular Canon 80D. However the Canon M100 has two more color adjustments in each picture profile than the 80D making it better for vloggers shooting video, as well as photographers wanting to step up from a smart phone. This new M100 looks to be a compact version of the Canon 80D that equals the quaility of that camera for online videos such as YouTube, Facebook and images for Instagram. The closest camera Sony has to be compared to the M100 is the Sony a5100.


Monday, November 20, 2017

Crashing a Patty Mayo LiveStream on YouTube!

This dude lives in Patty Mayo's neighborhood apparently and crashed a Patty Mayo livestream on YouTube. Patty handled it very well and played along with it.


Saturday, July 29, 2017

Canon C300 Mark II Used at an Air Gun Event in Oregon

See the powerful Canon C300 Mark II being used at an event for field target air gun shooters in Southern Oregon. The competition was for 3 days. The cinematography looks very good for such an event. See the video below:
