Monday, November 2, 2015

Can I Achieve Shallow Depth of Field with a Small Sensor Camera?

Small sensor camcorders or cameras vs larger sensor DSLR cameras or cinema cameras for the bokeh effect (shallow depth of field) is almost a no contest between these two. But users of a small sensor camcorder or point and shoot camera such as a 1/3 inch or a 1/2.3 or 1/2.8 sensor (canon last one). Can achive this with a little extra work. Basically you must use the long lens technique used in motion film making sometimes. It is basically dropping back away from your subject and zooming in. Instead of getting deep depth of field at 3-4 feet with a large sensor camera, you must move back to around 10-12 feet and then zoom in. It is very do-able with a camcorder or point and shoot camera with a 10x zoom or even a 20x zoon lens such as a Canon Vixia HF G30 camcorder. See this awesome prosumer camcorder in action on YouTube doing this deep depth of field (DOF) technique I just described here: Shallow depth of field with a small sensor camera.